
Life on Pig Row: Here on Pig Row Little D is wandering up and down

11:01 am

Here on Pig Row Little D is wandering up and down the row of strawberries pondering where they have all gone. The strawberry season is too short in the first year of cropping and though we have had pounds of strawberries, they have run out before we have even grown bored of them. 

Now, as I lay new paths by the glasshouse down to the allotment and past the utility bed, there are promises of new crops, the boysenberry dug up from our old garden, Drovers, is promising a small but tasty crop. The raspberries are struggling but putting on fresh canes for next year. The Boskoop Glory grapevine, another transplant from Drovers has sprung into life and this old friend of mine is coming back to life.

Little D tromps up the new path, squatting and poking at the new berries and the sprawling spaghetti squash. The squash will soon be romping over the fence and last year was a success story at Pig Row, I have high hopes for it this year as I do for the Rouge v'if d'Etampes pumpkin. This pumpkin has been carefully planted in the upper meadow. I have dug holes between the long grass and the flowering cosmos, filled them with manure, top dressed with compost and into this lush ground the pumpkins sit, happy, ecstatic and poked by Little D as he passes, squats, coos and points at them as if they should be doing something more. The time will come, son, the time will come for pumpkin pie.

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