Life on Pig Row: Here on Pig Row I am tending the tomatoes
12:01 am
Here on Pig Row I am tending the tomatoes. I love tomatoes; the
smell of them in the greenhouse is a childhood memory that has stuck with me.
It transports me back to my Dad’s allotment, the humid air of the glasshouse,
the hotch potch style of window frames tacked together.
During all my childhood my Dad’s glasshouse of windows never hurt me, never cut
me and never bombed me from ten thousand feet. What it did do for me is it gave
me somewhere to hide, it was my Narnia wardrobe, and I pushed through row after
row of sweetly smelling tomatoes. These were the days before we all under
planted with basil or marigolds, in my Dad’s borders were the occasional
lettuce but mainly the glasshouse beds full of tomatoes. He would stand
pinching out the side shoots, his fingertips turning black, me following in his
wake with a bucket that he tossed the side shoots into. The bucket would slap
against my shins, I was never bored, I was always amazed that even while it was
cold outside it was always warm in the glasshouse. Back then I didn’t know my
Dad used a paraffin heater at the start of the season but I always remember how
that smell wove in between the scent of the tomatoes.
There is comfort in both
these smells for me, even now when I am pinching out the side shoots and Little
D stands by the door with my wife holding him, I know that these smells will
punctuate his memories.