
Cybher 2012 the low down

12:27 am

Well we have been, we saw and we are bringing it all back to you...

Photos by Laura Weight

On May 12 we headed very early in the morning to catch the train to London to the very first all-inclusive blogging conference for women in the UK Cybher 2012.

 To be honest I think I was too excited to be tired, like my fellow delegates I joined in the twitter party and got #Cybher trending a full three hours before the conference even started.  4500+ tweets were shared throughout the event apparently reaching around 5million people. Amazing!

After a trouble free journey I actually got to the conference venue just round the corner from Trafalgar Square a little bit early. It is an interesting game playing spot the blogger and an even more interesting one explaining what you do to a non blogger, who happened to also be waiting in the reception for something else entirely.

Anyway after a false start when we were told to come back later or words to that effect by a rather stressed Cybher team member, we were ushered in to register.  If you have read any other of the blogs about the event you will have heard about the wonderful satchels we were given to carry our notes in from The Leather Satchel Company  I selected a pink one and it was beautifully made and bang on brand for Dormouse and The Teapot so will be used and used again.

If I am totally honest the day passed in a bit of a blur (probably the early start) and the fact there was a lot packed in.  It was lovely to meet some of my fellow bloggers at long last, Jayne from Mums The Word, Laura from The Mummy Life and Hannah from Bubbleboo.  I also met lovely ladies Ruth from The Hankerer and Maria from Fiesty Tapas and I am now also following their fantastic blogs.

I attended a number of workshops and seminars the best was the session led by El  from  A Thrifty Mrs which was packed full of tips and ideas which has really made a difference to my blogging.  There was also an excellent session by Di Coke (Super Lucky Di) and Spark and Fuse on running competitions legally and fairly.  My third favorite session was Is there a book in your blog? which was very informative in particular the helpful tip sheets that were promptly circulated by email following the conference.

It was great being amongst a wide range of blogging women but more time to network and dare I say it more time to just have a look around the stalls (which there were disappointingly few of, if I am honest) would have been welcomed.  I felt a little isolated from just rushing around really. I suggest a longer lunch and a teatime social.

Next blogging stop is Blog Camp 2012 in Manchester, watch this space.

Photo by Laura Weight
Thank you to Sian To for thinking up the whole thing and our wonderful sponsors TOTAL Greek Yoghurt for playing Fairy Godmother and making it happen by sponsoring us


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