
Free Time Friday: A 1940's retro Spring fayre

12:01 am

Get out your diaries folks for a fantastic event on Sunday 27 March. Friends of the 40's are hosting their annual retro Spring fayre at Denshaw Village Hall, Saddleworth.

Enjoy music by guest DJ’sThe Oven Bottom Boys and free dance demonstrations throughout the day by The Back Step Boogie Club. Shop for retro gifts and treats including ladies and mens fashions, jewellery and accessories, homewares, books, music,uniforms and militaria.

Stop by the cafe for morning coffee and afternoon tea with cakes, buns and biscuits all served on vintage china.

It promises to be a great vintage day out!

Friends of the Forties Retro Spring Fayre Sunday 27th March 2011, 10.00am to 5.00pm.
Denshaw Village Hall, Ripponden Road, Denshaw, Saddleworth, West Yorks OL3 5SH (just a few minutes off the M62 Junction 21 or 22). 

Admission is £2.00 for more details email info@friendsoftheforties.co.uk

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