
Thursday thoughts - Firm foundations?

12:00 am

Photo credit: lisafanucchi from morguefile.com
We have had three important and exciting events this week.

To kick the week off we had the Royal Wedding.  To be truthful we didn't expect to get as carried away with the celebrations as much as we did.  We loved Catherine's vintage style and her 50's inspired dress very Grace Kelly.  We simply fell in love with the romance of it all and found our selves still googling at midnight for a glimpse of that all important cake. We wish them both all the very best, they seem very much in love and a strong match.

Secondly work has begun on the foundations for our garden hideaway.  Fortunately we managed to persuade the man delivering the cement and ballast for the base to travel down the very narrow path to the back of the garden.  It was a bit touch and go but we got there in the end.  It was less fun moving the ballast by wheelbarrow down to the hideaway and even less fun for the men lumbered with building the footings in 60mph winds.

To conclude Little D is on the move and so we hot footed it, quick smart, down to the local town to have him shod in his very first shoes. Boxes and boxes were presented but unfortunately we came out of the shop without purchasing but a single pair as he point blank refused to walk in them or have them on his feet.  

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