
Dreaming of the positively perfect tea

5:38 pm

When it is too cold to step over the doorstep, to sit by the river with a pot of char and freshly made strawberry filled scones. When all I have in the house is some breakfast tea and a packet of digestive biscuits, I like to let my mind wander. I drift off to sunnier days, the loveliest views, the finest china and I dream about my perfect fantasy tea...

Here's my selection today, what would yours be?

Perfect tea

Taylor's China Rose Petal Leaf Tea
One of the most loveliest teas China Congou black leaf tea is layered with pink rose petals to give a mellow, sweet-tasting tea with a wonderfully perfumed aroma. An elegant tea perfect with cakes and pastries in the afternoon.

Most delicious sandwich

Prawn Salad Baguette
From our local bakers J.W Buckley Ltd. 89, High St, Uppermill, Oldham, Lancashire OL3 6AP Tel: 01457 872175. Delicious, well filled, perfect for two.

The most sumptuous scones

Delias Buttermilk Scones
Yum .. make your own delicious fresh from the oven

Juiciest jam

Tea Together Rhubarb, Lemon and Angelica
Made from the gorgeous Valentine Rhubarb especially for Tea Together. This jam is a luscious carmine red its fresh zing is boosted by tender stems of pale green Angelica with its like-no-other fresh perfume.

Incredible cakes

A selection of:
Pumpkin Cupcakes – with a maple cream cheese icing and topped with toasted pecans.
Coconut Cupcakes – with a generous amount of meringue icing and topped with coconut.
Hummingbird Cupcakes – with a cream cheese icing and topped with toasted pecans.
German Chocolate – with coconut-caramel-pecan icing.
Devil’s Food Cupcakes – with good old fashioned cream cheese icing

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