
Ah-tea wireworks with style!

7:45 pm

A passion verging on obsession for everything relating to tea and tea drinking is the inspiration for Helaina Sharpleys amazingly detailed tea themed wire works.

Like Dormouse, Helaina believes tea is a drink for every occasion, from a homely, comforting cuppa, to a proper English afternoon tea. Therefore every tea set every mug or cup and saucer can tell a different tale.

It was whilst researching the ceremonies and rituals of drinking tea in bygone eras, Helaina realised that the elegance of the Edwardian era that captured her imagination. Looking at old photographs and postcards, graphics and advertising of the day and, of course, tea sets inspired her artworks.

Moving on from earlier illustration work to 'drawing with wire' Helaina's works, which include tea sets, cups, saucers and cakes, take two main artistic forms. These include mounted wire works on a board, for example depicting a tea table scene or incorporating a saying (such as ‘not for all the tea in china’ or ‘tea for two.’) and three Dimensional wire illustrations/sculptures of tea sets and cakes.

Helaina who is based in Wakefield, West Yorkshire takes commissions with no two pieces the same. You can see more examples of her fabulous works at


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