
The Cream of Cornwall

11:29 am

The Dormouse and The Teapot Team are down in Padstow in a lovely little Cornish cottage just a hop, skip and a jump from the habourside. Set on four floors, our home for the summer is petite but perfect brimming with quirky charm (a bit like us!).

We are acquiring inspiration from nautical prints, jaunty reds and blues, driftwood and cool white floors and lime washed walls (expect to see this reflected in our scented garden ranges in 2009). We re tea-ing in Cornish stripey mugs and enjoying lashings of clotted cream on our scones with Rick Stein Strawberry jam - delicious!

D and the gang trod the fabled path to the Eden project last week. Car-less in deepest Cornwall we took the bus trundling through small traditional villages all chocolate box cottages and stunning gardens. Unfortunately the journey was actually more enjoyable than Eden itself. Eden is built for walkers, nigh moutain goats! It was at least 1/2 a mile to the biodomes and maybe it was our state of mind by this point but the domes were distinctly underwhelming. However the external spaces were stunning and the unearthly moonscape dome structures were breathtaking!. D who is a dab hand with her Nikon digital SLR camera took some fabulous flowery images which we will share with you as soon as we are back to base - so watch this space for an explosion of colour.

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