
Time for some .... tea time romance

8:28 pm

Life is too short and sometimes we have to tell the people we love how much we do love them. This is one of those times... this is for you pook...

You're my Cup of Tea

The soldier loves his rifle
The scholar loves his books,
The farmer loves his horses.
The film star loves her looks,
There's love the whole world over
Wherever you may be;
Some lose their rest for Mae West,
But you're my cup of tea

Some talk of Alexander
And some of Fred Astaire,
Some like their heroes hairy
Some like them debonair,
Some prefer a curate
And some an A. D. C,
Some like a tough to treat em rough,
But you're my cup of tea

Some are mad on Airedales
And some on Pekinese,
On tabby cats or parrots
Or guinea pigs or geese.
There are patients in asylums
Who think that they're a tree,
I had an aunt who loved a plant,
But you're my cup of tea.

Some have sagging waistlines
And some a bulbous nose
And some a floating kidney
And some have hammer toes,
Some have tennis elbow
And some have housemaid's knee,
And some I know have got B.O.,
But you're my cup of tea.

The blackbird loves the earth worm,
The adder loves the sun,
The polar bear an iceberg,
The elephant a bun,
The trout enjoys the river;
The whale enjoys the sea,
And dogs love most an old lamppost,
But you're my cup of tea.

W H Auden

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