
Cybher 2012 Meet & Greet

11:43 pm

We're off to Cybher 2012 in May courtesy of TOTAL Greek Yoghurt and in case you have missed it , it's set to be the UKs first all inclusive female blogger event!

For those of you who happen to be going too, here's a little bit about me ...

Name: Carol Oldham
Blogs: www.dormouseandtheteapot.blogspot.com / www.lifeonpigrow.co.uk
Twitter ID: @dmouseandthetea @lifeonpigrow
Height: 5’6″
Hair: longish & dark brown

Five things you should know about me…

1. I run two incredibly disperate businesses whilst simulationously being a stay at home mum to my 2 year old boy. These are Dormouse and The Teapot (vintage china sales, hire and vintage events) and Cupcake PR, Marketing and Communications (PR and marketing support to start ups , small businesses and individuals - bloggers always welcome)

2. That woodpile (behind me on my photo) is twice the height of me and powers all our heating.  I'm less fond of it when I have to carry it into the house and stack it every other month.

3. I love cook books, have far too many around 300 - 400) and read them like novels.

4. My guilty pleasure is hot peri peri sauce and crisps.

5. I'm leaving home at 4am to get to Cybher so if you see me dozing off give me a prod or better still prop open my eyes with matchsticks.

6. I can't wait to meet you all... Sorry that was six I know but it's true, I can't!

And, you can meet more of us Cybher attendees over at  Geek Is The New Chic

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