Drinks for the Summer
12:01 am
Since we had Little D we are frequently on the lookout for something suitable to wet his whistle, milk, pure orange juice and water is all very well but it must be a bit boring for the little un.
This got us thinking about children's drinks, generally there's lots of new offerings on the market every year. Here is just a taster of some we have tried...
Robinson's Double Concentrate Fruit Cordial
We tried this courtesy of the folks at Robinson's and were pleasantly surprised. It is true the new bottles make loads, in fact it went on for ever. Unfortunately, we were sent the sugar free version and as we don't allow Little D any artificial sweeteners and I am allergic to them, he and I sadly couldn't try it.
Cherry Vimto
Again I thought this was too high in sugar or artifical sweeteners for Little D to try. I must say though I love vimto its a taste of my childhood but I really didn't like this. I really couldn't tell it was cherry and it was really sweet. Disappointing.
Ella's Kitchen Smoothie Fruits
We are huge Ella's fans. Little D has grown out of them a little but we love their smoothies and they are great frozen in the freezer as a little treat. Four flavours yellow, purple, red and green it is hard to pick a favorite.
Peter Rabbit Fruit Juices
Well Little D thought these were the best thing since sliced bread. He struggled with the straw,that's not something new, but he loved the drinks. And what's not to love? The lovely folks at Peter Rabbit Organics had sent us some to try and they were so handy to take out and about. Real juices mixed with water and for once a pear and a grape variety which made a real change.
Bottoms up!