
Try It Out Tuesday: Make a teacup pincushion in a trice

12:01 am

Photo and teacup pincushion by mmcrafts

Are you into crafts or needlework and are always looking for somewhere to stick your pins and needles or are you looking for a nice present for someone that you can whip up in an instant.  Well then why not make a really easy, no-sew teacup pin cushion.

Dormouse Teacup Pincushion

What you will need (per pincushion)
  • A vintage teacup
  • A 12" x 12" piece of fabric
  • A handful of stuffing
  • An elastic hair band
How to make it
Place your stuffing in the middle of your fabric. Gather the corners of the fabric and bring them together.  Wrap your hair band round the fabric tightly forming a stuffing ball. Trim any excess fabric . Add a line of glue to the inside of the teacup to hold the pincushion fast. Push your fabric ball into the teacup with the hair band inside. Leave to dry.

If you would like a fragranced pincushion add some lavender or a few drops of essential oil to the stuffing before making the pincushion.

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