
Thoughtful Thursday: Don't forget to fill in your census! Your Great Great Grandchild will thank you

8:20 pm

A gold miner, shipwreck surviver, father Christmas*, a wicked stepmother, lord of the manor, musical hall performers, royality - this isn't a fairy tale believe it or not this is just some of the cast of characters I have in my family tree.

The key to all this information is records, birth, marriage and death certifications, shipping records, parish records and last but by no means least the most valuable of all census. It tells us so much about people from the past. Depending on the year, their names, marital status, children, age, address, occupation, nationality the list goes on. Without these documents I wouldn't have had the chance to step into the past and 'meet' these people. As an only child from a small family you are unprepared for the feeling it gives you when you explore the past and find uncanny similarities and coincidences. Often we find we are chips off the old block.

Sunday 27 March  is a day of opportunity, it comes once a decade and is something I feel passionately about. It is census day. By filling it in on paper or online, not only do you avoid a £1000 fine you also help plan services, plot population, record a snapshot in time. So don't forget to fill in your Census today if nothing more your descendent's will thank you for it.


* Surname Frost - several sons.

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