Free Time Friday: ScienTEAfic teas

12:01 pm

If you are a woman working in science, engineering or technology and are at a loose end on a Sunday afternoon why not get together to network and meet like minded people at a Geek Girl Tea Party.
In Manchester tea parties are held monthly at Madlab in the Northern Quarter and include hands-on activities such as an introduction to open source hardware, web development (HTML/CSS) and “Build your own PC” sessions. All the workshops are run by volunteers and are just £2 to attend. Their next tea party is on 27 March from 2 - 4pm and is a geeky show and tell.  What gadget could you not live without? What scientific wonder should the world know about?  Talk up to ten minutes on a subject of your own choice.  Click here to book a ticket 
If you are further South, Nottingham Geek Girls are just about to host their very first tea party an Agile story writing workshop on 6th March from 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM at Nottingham Hackspace.  Click here to book a ticket.
For Geek Girl events across the country visit

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