
Tea Tourism Part 1

10:37 pm

We want to coin a new phrase... Tea Tourism. To define, we mean making trips to places purely just to sample their teas.

The team at Dormouse and the Teapot are the ultimate in tea tourists and we have been known to plan whole holidays on the strength of the quality of the hotels food. Michelin stars impressed? they do afternoon tea too... definately!

Most of the best tearooms usually have a few things in common, they are probably off the beaten track in some far flung place miles away from where you live, they present the ritual of tea taking with imagination and flair but above all they demonstrate excellence in a pot.

Here are a few of the latest teas we long to try..

Hipping Hall http://www.hippinghall.com/home.php (we are visiting here soon, watch this space for a review)
Peacocks Tearoom http://www.peacockstearoom.co.uk/
The Dorchester www.thedorchester.com/exclusive_offers/afternoon_tea.htm

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